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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mummers parade

Irishmen looking askance
Originally uploaded by ChrissyJ
Yesterday, Eric and I headed into Philly to watch part of the Mummer's Parade. It had been delayed until noon by weather. We got there around 12:30 and parked ourselves on Broad street between Chestnut and Sansom. This was very near the end of the parade route, so I think the Mummers were tired and/or drunk by the time they reached us. The amount of public drinking was astounding... I assume its not really legal, but the cops didn't seem to mind. We stayed till about 4:15, long enough to see lots of random "comic" brigades and the first two fancy brigades. Next time, we'll go later to watch the string band brigades, I think they are the coolest part.

At any rate, lots of good people watching and colorful philly culture. My photos aren't what I had hoped, as I had a hard time focusing with my telephoto lens, and the low light and fast shutter speeds necessitated using 1600 ISO, which introduced a lot of noise into my photos.


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